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学习贯彻全国两会精神 全国人大代表杨艳 鼓足劲 加满油 做贡献. 深化 放管服 办事 不跑路 营商环境改变下的甘肃速度. 深化 放管服 办事 不跑路 营商环境改变下的甘肃速度. 打造触手可及的 养老院 凉州区 居家养老 服务观察. 深化改革释放活力 补齐短板破解瓶颈 兰州大学全力推进 双一流 建设. 活力 网格 织 就幸福 玉门市探索创新基层社会治理纪实. 三年决战奔小康 群策群力奔小康 环县落实 一户一策 推动精准脱贫侧记. 聚焦脱贫攻坚 助力乡村振兴 庆阳市推动农村 三变 改革纪实. 王建太在金昌市委办公室第一党支部专题组织生活会上强调 恪守 五个坚持 当好党委的 前哨后院.
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Sibanesetfu Campus is located in the deep rural area of Mpumalanga , Glenmore near the border of Swaziland . The campus was opened on July 4, 2005 with 22 students and the number increased to 118 in 2006. Sibanesetfu Campus is the first Further Education and Training College within the area of Glenmore, Mpuluzi, Dundonald, Mayflower, Elukwatini, ect, and thus is accessible to the community at large.
GERT SIBANDE FET COLLEGE SKILLS ACADEMY AND ARTISAN DEVELOPMENT CENTRE. Skills training are also offered in Balfour, Volksrust, Carolina, Elukwatini and various sites across the Gert Sibande Region. Needlework; Hand skills training; and.
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A neat and popular site for prospective students who seek outstanding qualifications and knowledge. This campus in Standerton is known for its ability to equip students with excellent,. The Institute for Commerce and Industry, today known as Standerton Campus, was established in 1966. Part-time evening classes were offered on a contract basis in the municipal offices. The initiative of establishing the College was undertaken by the Standerton Local Municipality.